Sunday, March 29, 2009


Stand strong for what you believe in
Although it seems to peculiar,
Nobody really understands the meaning
So they come up with different interpretation,
It doesn't help to clarify your thoughts
THey didn't help at all.

When you are doing all the right thing
There will be persecutions,
They judge, the reprimand, they doubt
Even when the truth is out,
It is not what they are seeking to know
They only want to compare with their instinctive flow,
Even though it is wrong
IT is not what they know, it is what they want to know.

If your heart is broken, and your hope is disappointed
Even though it hurts, and you are torn apart,
Nobody will ever know, cos your emotions are always misleading
Just like you feel Destiny is playing a joke on you,
You are just a player in the stage of World
The bits and pieces that make you whole,
Unfortunately, you are the biggest piece of jigsaw puzzle
Nobody will have the patience to sit by you and solve,
Be alone then, you .. just you be yourself
You know yourself, and you do it so well.

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