Monday, April 13, 2009

Rainbow After the Storm

There is never a right time or bad time, truly
When crisis happen, often it is in very untimely,
Often when it is self induced, there is going to be regrets
All those ugly feelings creep in, and very painstaking,
Shedded tears, wrecked the heart up, and all turn tupsy turvy
But when the storm has gone, the rainbow appear eventually .....
This is when, the sun behind the clouded skies, shines
And there are strange answers, and little secrets find.

You wanted to say Sorry, but sorry wont make it no more
You learnt your lesson, and don't do it anymore,
Words are pointless, actions may not redeem
But hope, with great faith, the truth will appear as it is always deemed,
You fall back into the pit, pitched black, empty and lonely
Slowly, you crawl back out, on your feet and knees,
Painful, and long tedious path, and bleed along the way
That is the punishment, for been foolish, the other day,
Hope, that your prayers are answered
Hope, you will be spared by your angel.

Your actions have many repercussions
You have been ridiculed immensely for your aggressions,
You tried to explain, but it is to no avail
For sometimes, you have to keep some secrets of some details,
When finally, everyone has spoken
You will find the rainbow after the storm, enlightened.

How an incident, purely coincidental, can bring forth many insights
Although there is no wrong, neither any right,
But their reflections, their words, ultimately, very demonstrative
Not only did they rip you apart, it is their own soul's narrative,
Not only you learnt about yourself in this crisis
You also discover, a bit of everyone, unseemingly, yet undeniably.

Rainbow after the storms
The many colors that are been shown,
How very true, and how the truth, has been much needed
A friend in need is a friend indeed, indiscreet.

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