Friday, April 3, 2009

An Angel

So called an angel live amongst
One whom walked the earth, like you all
Clipped of wings, transformed into arms
Unable to fly, treaded on feet;
An angel living amongst, cannot be missed
Always waiting on for someone's dire calls
Always ready, to shelter someone from harm
Always here with a heart, a ready gift.
............................ An Angel

An angel, wrote you a note
Make your heart sad
Your eyes wept with tears
Yet know, life can be rather solemn;
An angel, live by a secret code
A mission to make everyone glad
To stay so close and so near
Till the beckoning of heaven.
........................ An Angel

Sing a hymn of heaven's songs
Cry a lullaby of heart's sorrow
Rain tender, the tears of bitter sweetness
An angel remains till the end of time;
Here on earth, an angel does not belong
Here today, perhaps gone tomorrow
Entwined in all your hearts, hope there is always happiness
For the greatest of memories linger on for the longest time.
........................ An Angel

The guitar strums the song of the heart
The drums, the gentle beat
The wind blows, chimes
An angel without wings, slowly goes;
It is awfully hard
But it is tenderly sweet
And time after time
The love of an angel continues to flow.
........................ An Angel

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