Wednesday, April 8, 2009

F is the Word

I have had apple and tea for my breakfast
Realized that I swallowed 'em apple seeds
Hoping they will sprout in me apple trees.

I have had rice, and other unhealthy stuff for lunch
Realized that I have gained more weight than usual
So happily I am off to the gym, after work.

I have had the usual "pulled tea" for tea
Sitting back, listening to someone talking to me
Hurting my ears abit, but let it be.

I have had an assortment of delicacies for dinner
Cooked by friends, coming together for a gather
Reading a book called Toxic People.

I have had a good day and night, rocky start to a good end
Fabulatastic food, Fugalamastic Fun, Funnastic friends.

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