Thursday, June 19, 2008

Life at a Glance

This morning, a friend sorta browse through my palm, and gave me some insights:-

1 - will have 2 lovers in my life
I am trying to figure out, who- whether they came and left, or they are still waiting for me (fat chance)
2 - one of them lovers, I will love for eternity
Well, I believe in eternity, so that is obvious.
3 - there is split personalities
Ooops this sounds pretty dangerous. Or is it not normal, we have both the dark and angelic side to us? I have all my life tried to be the best person for everyone else, but it is situation/circumstances that made the worst of us. This I do believe. But life is still far ahead (I think)
4 - there is a suicidal tendency
With so much going on in life, it is difficult to to contemplate with death (that is suicidal).
Since the price of flour, rice gone up; and then fuel price shot up the roof. Why not the suicidal rate?

With this insight, I will definitely continue to do what I have been doing:-
1 - LIve life to the fullest, as if tomorrow will never come.
2 - Do good, and not to resolve to evil.
3 - Love with all my heart and soul, and love with utmost trust and loyalty.
4 - Have no regrets in life.

Al viva Lifo.

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