Monday, July 20, 2009

Finally it RAINS

It has been a long wait; Every step to the door, it aches
There is an involuntary hibernation; Drapes are drawn, shut down the vision
Depression is strong, claustrophobic kicks in; Laying down, doing nothing, but remembering
Breathing, but don't seem to be alive; In the next second, it feels like dying
No words can describe the feeling; No reasons can ever go explaining
There is no logic, no rationality; It is just a hard harsh reality.

It has been a long wait; The clouds are gathering
The wind is woooing; The trees dancing to its rhythm
The chill is seeping through the cracks; Stumbling, retreating back
The sound of tipping tapping on the glass; Someone is calling "Who is it?", so asked
The trickling of tears running down the pane; The sound of thunderstorm empowering the pain
Thank you Heaven for listening; Finally it RAINS ............

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