Wednesday, July 8, 2009

5 Minutes From Now

I know I have 5 more years to give
But is it for real?
What if it is really 5 months?!
I don't think it is enough
Worse if it is actually 5 weeks!
Truly too short indeed
Could it be 5 days!
No way!
But ... what if it is really just 5 minutes from now ...

Everyday, I tried to recollect the memories
Every night, I tried to put everyone's name in the prayer list.

I will not be able to travel the world in a minute
Perhaps, my soul can, and so can be my spirit.

In so little words, I couldn't say much
But till the very ending moment, I hope many hearts I have touched.

What if my predictions have been wrong?
It is not 5 years, and it won't be prolonged
5 minutes from now
Every remaining heart beat counts
I could never know if I am right or if I am wrong
But the 5 minutes will come along
When time is no longer in my grips
I will slip into a deep sleep.

1 comment:

dk said...

if i hve so limted time left, i dun even care how accurate the prediction will be or even how long the duration will be.

Time is priceless at this very moment & i will treasure every single bit of it wif my beloved family & friends till the last breath that i breathe.

Memories and recollection will be my best final gift for them.