Friday, April 23, 2010

Life & Death Pt II

Life so precious, so beautiful yet taken for granted its grandeur
Especially, when life ain't smooth sailing, and has lots of twists and detours,
They made decisions, which often ended up with regrets
Always wished that they have never done it that way,
Unfortunately, nobody can turn back time and pretend nothing happen
Cos it did happen, and the one responsible for it, is oneself, and nobody.

The matter of Life & Death
It is not a joking matter, trying to mess with nature's wrath,
One is no God, nor Lucifer
One is of no authority of that matter,
The rightful time will always come
When it is always least expected,
Play with Life & Death
Often will end up with only misery of a life time,
Death does not succumb to request
It's time is as good as anyone's guess.

Speak of Life & Death, passionately
Not with vengeance, so deadly,
For the curse will not hurt others
But the one who preaches, and curses,
The agony is 10 times many fold
Thus, Life & Death is truly a statement of the fool.

Respect Life & Death, as Mother's Nature scale of equilibrium.

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