Thursday, April 22, 2010

Go Figure (I pray)

It is hard not to be judgement and prejudice, living in today's society
So much of competition, so much of comparison, so little of transparency,
There has been an increase weight of complaints lately
As compared to last time, everyone goes on with their life peacefully,
That is the era of glorious simple day
Now is the era of complexity of my way, or no way!

One couldn't help but to hear the loads of cursing and gossiping
Can be humorous or totally annoying,
Just the passing of time, or spiteful back stabbing
The variety of choices to speak the mind out freely,
Don't blame the innocent listeners, who are been accommodating
Always look at them speakers who lashed out their thoughts stupidly,
Then instantly, go figure the truth
On the issues and the gossippers themselves!

It is sad to know that the mirror only portrays vainness
Lying under the teeth, so much of self denialness,
The reflection is a split personality
Delusional of reality, and fantasy,
So see of nothing else but the ugliness of the world
Forgetting that one of the attributes to make it whole,
Or not realizing that one is the culprit that cut a hole
Spitting on others, is symbolically making oneself part of the cess pool
Go figure, such role models
With some psychotic disorders.

Many people kept asking Questions
Everyday is an endless debate like a Q&A sessions,
Yet so selective on the received information
For falsely wanting to appease their own ego passion,
The head(s) do grow bigger
Waiting to explode in the grander manner,
Digging a grave 18 feet deeper
The ultimate truth is too much to handle,
Go figure, before it is too late
Easier to look at own's reflection in the mirror,
Nothing can go wrong
Unless the dignity is destroyed.

Go figure anyway, before too late truly
The fantasy is more deadly that it seems,
While reality is not that ugly
Although it is just more difficult to grasp it.

Go figure!

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