Sunday, April 4, 2010

Good Things Always Happen

It is ironic that when good things happen and make one so happy
Bad things happen and make one so depressing
Then the bad moon falls out the sky, and suddenly, one realized
Something just happened
One slaps the wrist and bummer on the head
Damn, why didn't one even noticed the blessings.

It is ironic when one is happy, nothing ever seems bad
But when unhappy, everything good can be ever so unpleasant
Then the good tidings run off shore and left is debris of happiness
Which are just remains of nothing but sore memories
Of mistakes, of consequences
Damn, why didn't one even make the best of everything.

Good things always happen
Even when one is crying, remember those who lend their shoulders
Even when one is in agony, remember those who offered their hands
When one is in dire poverty, remember those simple foods on the table
Then all clouds of doubts and hardships roll away
They will do go away, in just a matter of time.

Good things always come to those who have the patience
To those who are open to different perspectives
To those who has the courage to turn the table around
To those who knows that nothing comes easy without a fight
To those who do not fret in the eye of danger and hardship.

Good things always Happen ........
But the choice is a matter of perspective
Perspective is a free will
Free will is a free choice.

Bad things are just waiting to happen
When one has the guard down
But good things always have a way of winning
The only strategy is a smile, a hope, a want to succeed
All is within the heart, the soul, the mind
Good things are just hidden in the haystack of bad things
Like treasures .. throngs of treasures to be discovered.

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