Monday, April 26, 2010

Death (RIP)

Finally death beckoned
Fate has summoned
The coward has raised the white flag
Be dead then!

Is the soul peaceful
Dying with resentment, what fool!
What triumph one has accomplished
What wrath instead been unleashed?

Can prayers sooth the soul?
Maybe so, hopeful so
So selfishly, the thoughtless act
What peace will one ever get
The gift of life, shall not be tempted
Regrets, can summon to nothing ever so great, nothing to beget.

Spoken to many times
No other more hideous is this crime
Bringing death upon oneself
Thinking this is the best way out.

Death is not self righteous
A violation of trust
Such betrayal
Forgiveness only granted from the higher ground
Yet R.I.P
Do as one may please
Such disgrace
A coward's befallen grace.

There is no salutations
There is no celebration
Nor will there be anymore tears
Once remembered, it will be forgotten soon
The memories will soon be discarded
And disregarded.

Death (RIP)
A prayer is still extended sincerely
But the aftermath will be difficult to rectify
Even death, so mortifying, the damage has magnified
In the selfish act of summoning Death to the doorstep
Such selfless selfish act, does it deserve any respect
The heart may forgive
But Death itself has turned into a gory thief.

Death ... Is it the true salvation?
Or just the doorway to damnation?
Death ... Is it the only option?
Is it right for one to end creation?

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