Sunday, December 6, 2009

Whom I Adore

How I adore those selfless beings, who are in love
The things they do for the sake of their love ones
So sacrificial, I truly admire their courage and their commitment...;
Then entwined in their acts, sink their own vows
Not that love doesn't begets love, nor life begets life
It does, just not their love, it is just someone's else.

How I adore those courageous beings, who stood their ground
So stubborn, so rigid, but how sad, I see them slowly wither away
Knowing they can do so much, but it is one less step from taking responsibility ...;
The sound of alarm, triggering doubt and fear, so loud
Weakened by the notion of love, day after day
As nights slowly slips up, victimized.

How I might be impressed, but may not adore anymore
There is no victory, to see one losing one's identify
In the sacrificial deems so very worthy, in the name of love ...;
Why oh why, all you sacrificial souls
Have I not seen enough, adding onto to my list
That you are so beautiful, and wonderful, must be lost for someone's else.

Please oh please, my precious beings, whom I so adore
Bring the bit of self-centreness back in
Don't let love, make you a victim to circumstances ...;
Please oh please, don't be gone
Bring yourself back, cos you are all so deserving
It is not your responsibility, but to yourself, do some justice.

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