Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No Dreads

Wake up in the morning, there you are sound asleep in the bed
Nothing will stir you awake, drifting in dreams
A peck on the cheek, a smile at the corner of the lips
As I walked out the door, I left with no dreads.

So much is to be said, but you have requested silent
Not in so much word you said so, but rebuttal, rebuke
A slash on the wrist, a slap on the face, virtually
As I swallowed my words, I breathed with no dreads.

The responsibilities, the chores, the obligations
Everything that is within my means, I shall not complain
For whole heartedly, I do, I fulfill
As one day, I am gone abruptly, Death couldn't torment at all.

The prayers that have been said, drained away in my sleep
My hands on my heart, my brain shut down slow
If I don't finish my pray in time, before the next
Deep down in my heart, I will never dread.

Nobody will know, until the next one fill the shoes
Nobody will truly understanding, until the shoes are worn
Day in and day out, and through all the ups and downs
Still I shall never dread, cos it will not have the same outcome.

There will be a time for farewell, good byes and all
But there will never be a time for dreads
A brave face, a smile stern, the heart aches
The tears hidden, the emotions are in disguise
The strength that is to be gathered for the battle
Is worth it till the end, cos I will never dread indeed.

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