Sunday, May 2, 2010


Memories, like green leaves
Spreading over the branches of trees
Fertile, by mother nature
Memories, they can't seem to leave
Free to roam wherever they want to be
Yesterday, today, tomorrow, all the future.

Memories of gift given, and taken
Kept in treasure box like token
Then kept in a little corner up in the attic
Someday they will be stumbled upon, a little frantic
Remembering, and how sweet they used to be
Or how painful the past has been.

Memories can be discarded
Yet some do with a heavy heart
Reluctant, unable to let go
So they are kept till another day to behold
Behold with pain, and misery
Telling the past of sorrowful story
Tears rolling down the cheeks
The heart aching, draining all the energy
A day of reckoning and remembering
But behold the day will go on lingering
Forgetting that the future is waiting
But will always willing.

Memories are pieces of imagination
Locked up somewhere in the subconscious
They can be called upon
Of they can be locked up forever in the box
Nobody knows for sure what effect it will have
Perhaps none, perhaps grave
Perhaps it can stop time
Perhaps it can halt life
But undoubtfully it changes lives
Just whether the reasons are good enough.

They said that we are all the shape of the past
Be grateful of that cast
They said that what doesn't kill us make us stronger
Be grateful if we didn't turn out to be stranger
They said that memories are meant to be cherished
Be grateful, be forgetful but memories don't perish even if we banish
They said that the future waited for no one
Right ON, so make the memories of tomorrow if you want
Or wait for now to be the past, and become bitter memories
Then wished to have written a different set of stories
Regrets are memories, that lingers for not doing what one could do
Memories are regrettable, if one couldn't let go and let the seeds be sowed.

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