Sunday, January 3, 2010


Why is it at bed ridden
There are much looks of in their eyes
The close family, kins, why is there grief

Hearing them talk, of the things which has been done
Somehow their thoughts brought pain to the heart
For they realized now how little the dying one have accomplished in life.

Many friends have come, even strangers came
They spoke of compliments and high regards, of the things been done
The temporary relief that they bring to close family and kins, short lived
Cos they don't see anything else beyond that small talk
They are just comfort talk
While the truth lies in their own heart, of so little been accomplished in life.

True, didn't travel the 7 seas, and not much of atypical tourist
Didnt unravel mysteries, and find no revelations, worth noting
Didn't drive a nice car, and just relied on public transports
Didn't own big houses, and rented most of the life
Didn't have insurance, least could be spared the financial burden
Didn't have anything, at least not tangible, that they hold in the hands
But there are accomplishments, they could hardly understand them...

The friendship that been fostered
The joy that has been shared
The smile that shines upon the faces
The simplicity that is in life
The love that is felt in the heart
Those accomplishments, that everyone has taken for granted
How blind can they be
How deaf can they be
How judgemental can they be
How sad it is to walk on this earth ...
How glad now to be bed ridden to see the truth in everyone
How this moment will be cherished, before the eyes closed
How detached they created with their ignorance ...

Soon, the greatest accomplishment will be a reality ....
Conquering Death.

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