Monday, June 9, 2008

Tatt Ooooo ... Tattoo

Most of them have gotten a tattoo, hidden somewhere on their bodies
Colorful or just plain black and white designs that can be so intriguing
Symmetrical, non symbolic, or perhaps it comes with a personal message.

Its either a test of the pain treshold or its a message
To me, its gonna be both...............
If i don't grit my teeth hard enough, to lock my jaws permanent
If i don't punch the tattoist, till she pass out on the floor
If i don't jump out of the seat after the 1st needle touch my skin
I would have just fainted on the spot - such a weenie.

The thought of it sent shivers up my spine
But i am not put off by the ideas, at least for the time being
It seems painstaking fun and I will shed happy tears of joy
I am not a weenie ... i am just an emotionist.

By the way, if I passed on beyond recognition
And if dental records doesn't match, for whatever reasons
And our Malaysian CSI teams means "Crime Scout Idiots"
Pls try to identify me with my tattoo(s)

So if I get tattoo(s), i won't keep it a big secret
By my screams that rock the neighbourhood at richter 10
I will certainly flaunt it to you all or you will feel the tremor
In the mean time, I am in search for the oblivious identity
One that identifies me, the one whom you know and the one whom you don't know.


magic_angel said...

i love your blogs... its interesting and i love to read them :)

LeoDonHun said...

Hey Magic_Angel, thank you for reading my blog, and dropping a comments. At least it is motivation to keep on spewing thoughts into words.